The Toronto Star has published stories Monday which make it clear that the newspaper was behind the digging and questions to Jian Ghomeshi about his unusual sex activities. Previously, it was suggested that a blog called Canadaland has been responsible for this work. The complaint originates with three women, aged it would seem between 25 to 30 years, who say they were subjected by (involved with?) the 47-year-old CBC radio interviewer in sex acts which dominated them and were, in some cases, physicially abusive and hurt them. There do not appear to be complaints that the women were permanently injured or that there was any contact with the police about these things. One woman does say she was strangled. For his part Ghomeshi says he has done nothing wrong, that the activities were consensual and that he is being smeared by the women. He says he will sue the CBC for $50 million for the loss of his job.