A woman detective of the Toronto Police Service is set to dig into the allegations made against former CBC host Jian Ghomeshi. Detective Lisa Ferris of the Sex Crimes Unit will interview one of two women who have complained to cops tomorrow (Saturday, November 1, 2014). She is unidentified to the world but her name is in the possession of the Toronto Star, which has driven the investigation into Ghomeishi for months. She and actress Lucy De Coutere are said to have made approaches to police in recent hours about bruising acts perpetrated against them by the 47-year-old one-time musician and radio interviewer. Ghomeshi was a founder of the band Moxy Fruvos in 1990. The band, which is still around, has made a statement in which it puts as much distance as possible between itself and Ghomeshi although there is no evidence that there has been any connection for decades.