The province will no doubt wish Finance Minister Charles Sousa well as he goes about finding some $700 million in cash to deal with Ontario’s enduring deficit. This sum will be found, says Mr. Sousa, by shutting down the illegal cigarette trade. Sounds great. Apart from the depredations of tobacco upon its hapless users, the illegal cigarette business is a roaring affront to the simplest notion of law, order and good governance. One of the reasons police have such a difficult time with this cross-border crime is that it is conducted largely on aboriginal reserves. Some of these lie across the international boundary. The “sovereignty” residing at least in the minds of the inhabitants there permits an easy passage between Canada and the U.S. for smugglers In a province that hardly seems to know where the Queen’s writ runs, the challenge will be facing down smugglers who think they are operating in their own private Switzerland. More budget at Reuters