Window washers rescued from above New York

There was a heart-stopping emergency and equally nerve wracking rescue over the streets of Manhattan today (Wednesday, November 12, 2014) as two window washers found themselves in a dangling washer carriage which normally goes up and down the side of buildings flawlessly. It happened at the newly-finished Number One World Trade Centre and rescue crews immediately went to work to bring the men down safely. They train for this all the time apparently and are said to have practiced just such a rescue at the World Trade Centre merely ten days ago. Still and all, it took nearly 90 minutes for rescuers to be lowered  from the roof. Others cut open a large hole in the skyscraper’s glass sheathing. When that was done, workers and rescuers together, everyone wearing a safety harness, made the perilous step from the stranded carriage into the 64th floor of the office tower and safety. There are many more renderings of this event on YouTube