Smart meters a costly flop says Auditor General

The Auditor General of Ontario, has dropped a ton of bricks on the Liberal government, accusing it permitting the provincial debt to soar out of control and claiming that the over-budget two-billion dollar smart meter program is a total flop. Bonnie Lysek says essentially that off-peak saving are an illusion. The price of the supposedly cheaper power has ballooned, costing consumers more than they would have been paying if smart meters had never been invented. The entire AG’s report is a shocking revelation, even considering her independent role from the government. She says people in Ontario are paying billions of dollars extra for electricity because of the dysfunctional smart meter program. Lysek reported  today (Tuesday December 9, 2014) that ratepayers will pay $50 billion between 2006 and 2015 because of an extra charge on their electricity bills that covers the gap between guaranteed prices paid to contracted power generators.   Hamilton Spectator