A father who was trying to drive and monitor the urgent arrival of his new daughter was told to pull over and do the job himself without help from the hospital. And so he did. Like millions of fathers before, he faced the job of helping his wife deliver a baby and survived. So did everyone. The touching CTV story by Paul Bliss tells the tale. It happened Thursday (January 1, 2015). Timing for a delivery at the hospital wasn’t quite right. The baby, a little girl, was half out. The delivery occurred at the corner of Don Mills Road at Esterbrooke Avenue, just north of Sheppard Avenue, at approximately 9 p.m. The father, Alex, delivered the baby while on the phone with the operator. His said first instinct was to put the infant next to her mother’s bare skin to keep her warm. Nearby York Region paramedics rushed to the scene, but arrived after the baby was born on the back seat of the white SUV. The mother and baby were brought by ambulance to a nearby hospital to be checked out. Both are healthy. The little girl is the third child for Anna and Alex, who have not yet picked out a name. CTV