Robin Dickie |
Parents of Rolph Road Public School are agreed on a plan to go it alone in the renovation of the tennis court that sits on the school property. The court needs work, maybe as much $16,000 worth, according to an estimate from the Toronto and District School Board (TDSB). There’s very little money at the board so it proposed a private-public arrangement with the Wilmington Tennis Club to build a possible two courts and a club house. Robin Dickie, chair of the school council, took this proposal to the members and found strong opposition. The playground property already accommodates a soccer field and baseball diamond as well as the tennis court. Robin says she felt it was her duty to put the offer on the table. There was, she said, “passionate” opposition to the Wilmington deal for a number of good reasons. The playground is for the Rolph kids and no one knows just how any new tennis facilities might effect that. The tennis court just needs fixing, not enlarging, the parents say. Better to find the necessary money and keep the facility a purely Rolph asset. And finally, the prospect of more traffic on quiet Rolph Road is a concern. The path was clear and the council has now struck a committee made up of Robin, Linda Carte and Stan Flemming to raise money by donation. It seems a cause that Leaside could well get behind. The council is also able to allocate some monies each year to add to the ultimate total. Here’s hoping that businesses and individuals will chip in to help Rolph School reach its goal. Maybe COBs Bread would like to run another matching donations program as they did so successfully for the Cody School Dirt to Turf campaign.