A sixth case of measles has been confirmed in Toronto. St. Joseph’s Health Centre announced that a patient who was in its emergency department from January 27 to 29 has been diagnosed. Two children, both under two years and three adults in the Toronto area were diagnosed with measles earlier this week. The St. Joseph’s patient was born before 1970. A challenge for health authorities is that there appears to be no known connection between the cases which, officials say, means measles is “currently circulating” in the city. Another case, number seven, was confirmed earlier this week in the Niagara region. Measles is a difficult disease to control because is it is so easily transmissible — contagious in fact — and it can be communicated by a patient before he or she shows symptoms. CBC News described a letter sent to patients at St. Joseph’s warning them to watch for symptoms until February 19, 2015. The good part is that this outbreak of measles has not broken out in the school system. The boards of education have sent letters home warning parents that if there is an outbreak children without proper vaccination “will not be allowed to attend school until the outbreak is over.” Shelley Deeks of the provincial health department says 30-something adults should be on the alert for themselves. “We have people who are about 35 to 40 that probably only received one dose,” of the vaccine. So there is a differing level of susceptibility.” Deeks says she suspects there will be more cases. Two doses of measles vaccine provide full protection against mumps, measles and rubella for over 95 per cent of people, according to Toronto Public Health. Officials say anyone unsure of their immunizations should contact their health care provider. There are no confirmed measles cases at St. Joseph’s, according to the statement from Dr. Mark Downing, head of the infectious diseases division. Globe writer rails against superstition