Toronto Police held a news confernce Tuesday morning to appeal to citizens to help them figure out who built the mysterious bunker near the Rexall Centre tennis venue for the Pan Am games. Police say they don’t know of any reasons for the bunker, which appears to have been built by more than one person. The large bunker is 33 feet long and deep enough for a man to stand. Among the items found inside were fuel containers, a generator, a rosary with a remembrance poppy attached which was hanging on the wall. It appears that the media may have played a role in how police investigated this mystery. The easily formed question of why police did not wait to see if the bunker maker returned to the site was answered this way. Police knew the media was aware of the bunker and at some point it would be public. Did the media hinder the investigation? It is not clear. But police are very anxious to have anyone which information call them. The story was broken yesterday by the CBC local news. Previous story. Why was this seemingly sinister bunker built? Big enough for people to walk around in (and prepare a terrorist attack?) Big enough to hold people hostage? Big enough to store weapons? Sure. Please don’t call us alarmist. These are reasonable things to think about on the discovery of this strange hiding place. Police are scheduled to talk about it this morning at police headquarters. Previous