Eve Adams, the ambitious Conservative member for Mississauga-Brampton South has crossed the floor of the House of Commons to become a Liberal. She appeared at a news conference with Justin Trudeau this morning (Monday, February 9, 2015). The event has drawn a remarkably cynical response from reporters. CTV’s Robert Fife told George Lagogianes on CP24 that the only reason he could imagine the Liberals accepting Ms. Adams is that they hope to get political dirt from her boyfriend, Dimitri Souda. He is a former adviser to Stephen Harper. For his part, Lagogianes said he had watched the news conference and did not find Ms. Adams sincere. Neither did Fife. On twitter many are asking why the Liberals might want Adams. She was in the news last year regarding allegations that she had blocked the pumps at an Esso gas station in Ottawa’s west-end for ten minutes in protest of a set of $12 car washes which she deemed unsatisfactory. In March 2014 Adams became involved in a nomination battle for the future Oakville North—Burlington riding, after her existing riding was split in five. On March 19 Adams attended a riding association meeting, though her ability to attend the meeting was in question. A board member and paid campaign worker for Adams’ rival, reportedly asked Adams to leave, and when she declined that board member threatened to contact the police. Adams fight of $6 car wash