St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Shrove Tuesday supper was held this evening (Tuesday, February 17, 2015).. The annual marking of the approach of Easter comes with entertainment including the ominously named Pancake Jeopardy. Above we see Reverend Beth testing Oliver at a match of pancake flipper Badminton. The gentleman in the blue shirt was fine with it all. As usual Diane Gray and Betty Crichton cooked up a delectable meal of pancakes and sausages for a goodly crowd. Tomorrow is of course Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. The devout traditionally have made a cross of ashes on their foreheads. Not so much since we stopped burning coal. Below, there was a nice turnout for the pancake supper at Northlea United at 125 Brentlifffe Road. Councillor Jon Burnside (right) enjoyed the meal.