Wrist-phone risks new flood of distracted driving deaths


“I’ve been waiting to do this since I was five years old,” says Timothy D. Cook

Timothy D. Cook was as excited as a five-year-old when he introduced the new Apple wrist watch, phone. sketch pad and whatever else in San Francisco Monday. He said he had been waiting to place a call from wrist watch since he was that tender age. Of course, now’s he’s 54. Oddly, he seemed to have no awareness of the kind of problems this device will now cause for the world as young motorists (and some not so young) use their fun phones as they try to navigate traffic. And why should he, some may say. Is it his fault that the iPhone contributes to hundreds of thousands of accidents and many deaths every year across Canada? Perhaps not. But you can prepare yourself for the necessary over haul of traffic legislation and difficult enforcement to deal with the  Apple wrist phone. As it stands, it is illegal for a driver to have a cell phone in his hand in Ontario while operating the car. But, hey now, we wear the Apple watch right on our body as a fashion statement. Let see how society deals with that.