The National Post reports that an Indian bride walked out of her wedding ceremony after the groom failed to solve a simple math problem. The bride tested the groom on his math skills and when he got the sum wrong she decided he was not a good bet as a husband. .The question she asked: How much is 15 plus six? It is not recorded whether it took the man long to say 17 instead of 21 but his best shot would have been to claim he was distracted by his bride’s beauty. According to the Post, the incident took place late Wednesday in Rasoolabad village near the industrial town of Kanpur in northern Uttar Pradesh state, local police officer Rakesh Kumar said Friday. Neither is recorded whether this was an arranged marriage where those to be wed don’t know each other. Sort of sounds like it. The groom’s family is said to have tried persuading the bride to return, but she refused. She said the groom had misled them about his education. “The groom’s family kept us in the dark about his poor education,” said Mohar Singh, the bride’s father. “Even a first grader can answer this.” Police were called and arranged for the return of gifts on all sides.