Canada to blame for everything says confused Zehaf-Bibeau


Parliament today saw and heard the short video made by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau before he attacked the House of Commons on October 22, 2014. It was recorded in a parking lot at 464 Metcalfe Street in the capital and, as RCMP commissioner Bob Paulson said, Zehaf-Bibeau was “purposeful and lucid”  as he delivered his little lecture. For all of that, the self-styled avenger is revealed as a crackpot world statesman who invokes the much-loved “suicide pact” justification for attacking the west. He talks about how Canadians must stay to themselves and leave his comrades in Iraq and elsewhere to live under religious law. There is no mention of lopped off heads or the worldwide Caliphate that will dispense with democracy and Western Civilization. (Can you imagine an ISIL wrecking crew at the Art Gallery of Ontario?) The suicide pact justification?  That’s when we force them to kill us by trying to stop them from killing us.