Hit the sack early to fend off a Spring Forward Flop


There are complicated explanations to explain why you may feel crummy for a day or two after setting the clock forward. Not everyone does, by the way. But look, just go to bed as early as you can. Here are some tips

  • Avoid sleepiness on Sunday by getting to bed at a reasonable hour Saturday.
  • Get some exercise on Saturday to ensure you sleep well that night.
  • Avoid caffeine and excess alcohol for four to six hours before bedtime, since both can disrupt sleep.
  • Avoid bright light before bed, including TV screens and handheld devices.
  • Sleep in Sunday morning if you like, but by no more than an hour.
  • If you need to take a nap Sunday afternoon, that’s OK, but make sure it’s not too close to bedtime.
  • For parents of small kids, start making the transition a few nights ahead of time, moving bedtime ahead by 15 minutes each night.