Will we rise to the challenge of Toronto Clean-up Days?

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As it does every year, the City of Toronto is encouraging and helping residents and business people to clean up the awful stuff found under winter’s snow. There is lots to do wherever you look although the left over ice and snow still keeps us at bay. But the time is coming. Toronto Community Clean-up Days are set this year for Saturday April 18 and Sunday April 19, 2015. The process is easy. Just pick your turf for cleaning. Hey, it cold be South Bayview on the west side between Millwood and Manor Rds. (it’s no worse than any other place but it makes the point) Get your gang of public-spirited volunteers together and register with the City.This makes it easy for workers to come and take away your blue-bagged refuse. Here’s the City’s site on how to do it. Community Clean-up days.  How about everyone who observes Earth Hour taking an hour or two to tackle this aspect of our environment?