The hunt is on for foul-mouthed fans who harass women

Hydro One has fired an employee for harassing a woman television reporter during what appears to have been a group-attempt to introduce obscene language into homes and bars where FC games were being broadcast. “Hydro One is taking steps to terminate the employee for violating our Code of Conduct,” Hydro One spokesman Daffyd Roderick said in a statement. The Globe and Mail story linked here recounts how the man fairly wallowed in his ignorance. Good reading. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment has also pledged Tuesday (May 12, 2015) to find and punish similarly minded-persons by keeping them out of the arena. This abusive conduct is a variation on growing public vulgarity or maybe just the growing ease with which it is distributed. YouTube is notorious for permitting any type of comment. The arrival of Twitter has also introduced vulgar, profane, racist and hateful language into the lives of people who would not normally be so subjected. The celebrated case of Dion Phaneuf and Joffrey Lepui revealed how users of public media like Twitter have no idea that they are subject to prosecution for libel. It was a perfect case of the uneducated (or stupid) barging into the regulated halls of public communication. It may be that many of those who are F-bombing TV reporters think that there is no legal consequence. Not everybody is smart. Below reporter Shauna Hunt of City News confronts the jackasses but they are well protected by their macho armour. Globe and Mail