Large public art space available at St. Clair and Yonge

1 st clair

1 St. Clair looking east to Yonge

The owners of the building known as 1 St Clair West have sought the offices of Josh Matlow (Ward 22) for an enormous piece of street art for the blank wall of the structure that faces west. The idea comes to light in Mr. Matlow’s current newsletter in which he speaks of recently being presented with this opportunity. To get things started he has issued a call for feedback and ideas for the project. He notes that future opportunities for community feedback regarding theme will be available to those interested in contributing further. Also in the Matlow newsletter are a number of items of interest including a new $350,000 playground at Deer Park Public School, a meeting May 28 on the future of the Lawton Parkette and a meeting on Rail Safety. This  latter is sponsored by Rail Safety First and will be held at the U of T, somewhat outside the neighborhood.  Matlow letter