MPP wants provincial standard for riding-sharing cabs


Michael Harris, MPP 

A Conservative MPP has tabled a motion calling for a provincial law to regulate so-called ride-sharing. It would apply to any company, including Uber, that wants to get into the taxi business in any community. The member, Michael Harris of Kitchener-Waterloo, said: “Consumers are driving this and government needs to get on board,” Michael Harris, MPP for Kitchener-Conestoga, said Thursday. “The province is changing and the laws need to evolved with it. It seems like a reasonable idea. It might not have been needed if riding-sharing had been introduced in a different way. But, as evidence from all over the world has shown, Uber is a renegade operator. It arrives, sets up and begins operation in total disregard of the law and in the beginning, it even tried to pretend  that it  was not in the taxi business.