Self-declared outsider Patrick Brown new Ontario PC leader

Mr. Brown is interviewed by the CBC after his win at the Congress Centre. He is a self-declared outsider who seems to have won the leadership by collecting memberships from previously unsought or disaffected minorities. Thus he has limited support from the so-called old guard, members of the PC caucus. Just what kind of a party repair job this will represent is not clear. The Globe and Mail said Brown, 36, “thoroughly out-hustled” 60-year-old Christine Elliott. Mr. Brown won by a decisive margin, with 62 per cent of the vote. His made a pitch to what the Globe called non-traditional Tories. In the end, he sold some 40,000 memberships.  He got endorsements from Wayne Gretzky and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, certainly an out-of-the-box tactic. Of potential concern to moderate urban Progressive Conservatives is a vote Brown cast in Ottawa to re-open the abortion debate while in Ottawa. As is seen above, Mr. Brown is saying these things will not be part of a PC platform under his leadership.



Candidates hear the final result.