Twitter will to permit 10,000 character “direct messages”

In July, Twitter is set to permit 10,000 character “direct messages”. The old 140 character limit will still apply to regular tweets. This word comes as the company’s much maligned president Dick Costello steps down and a former Twitter boss Jack Dorsey moves in temporarily. The problem? Twitter can’t seem to make money even though it is enormously popular. It must be said that Twitter for all its appeal is a rather quirky concept that tends to attract users who are more tech than Facebook users. Over its seven or eight year history, some investors have said the service is too complicated. A re-make of the its format in April did not seem to help much.


It does things like search  for “Seaside” instead of “Leaside” and then asks in small type: “Search for Leaside instead” The new categories of “Top” and “Live” tweets are a mystery to most people. “Why?” is a common reaction.


And yet for those who use it, Twitter is a superb tool permitting direct access to all sorts of people unknown or pals. Twitter handles are public on  Google unlike other information. The whole “Trend” phenomenon was created by Twitter and continues to be a source of rapid entertainment and information. Many news stories appear on Twitter in searchable detail before the media writes a word. Just how the 10,000 character move will change the Twitter application remains an unknown.