As contractors to Toronto Hydro work across South Bayview installing new poles, an incident in west end Toronto has raised an issue that many homeowners fear. It’s the sudden appearance of a hydro pole in front of the house which was bought partly at least because it didn’t have one. It’s a fact that some find a home more valuable without a pole and/or fire hydrant out front. In this case, Hydro installed the pole in December, about a year after the utility warned residents that such a pole could be installed. Nevertheless, the family said they didn’t know until the pole arrived. They bought their house more than three years ago and would like the city to move the pole six feet over so it’s between their property and the adjacent one. But Toronto Hydro says that’s difficult to do for safety and technical reasons. The is in Bloor West Village which is an established neighbourhood where the location of poles would have been fixed years ago. This is the case in Davisville Village, Moore Park and other South Bayview areas getting new poles. No reason has been offered why hydro needed an additional pole after years of delivering electrical service without it.