Gary Wise of Wisey’s Pies and Bakehouse will be back in Toronto from New Zealand for a few days beginning this week. Gary, his wife Karen and partners Anthony Spinley and Jen Orenstein run two shops in Leaside and Roncesvalles. The shop at Eglinton East and Laird Drive is baking central for Wiseys daily output of delectable Kiwi-style meat pies and pastries. Gary’s visit will see him in the kitchen at 874 Eglinton giving the bakers there a much-needed rest for a week. He will also be catching up with suppliers and checking out some options which might see Wiseys pies sold in other locations around the City. An authentic New Zealand treat at Wiseys is the Lamington, a sponge cake with a chocolate (or strawberry-flavoured) icing with grated coconut. They are a unique and tasty treat especially with a cup of coffee.