General Election will change how South Bayview votes

The arrival of the election campaign of 2015 announced Sunday (August 2 2015) also officially puts in place the altered electoral boundaries drawn in 2013. In South Bayview, changes to Toronto Centre, Don Valley West and St. Paul’s will be noticeable. The top half of Toronto Centre has been lopped off and joined in a riding known as University-Rosedale. It stretches across the centre of the City from Moore Park to Ossington Ave. It lumps in the University of Toronto, Queen’s Park and Chinatown. The western boundary of Don Valley West now sits to the west on Mt. Pleasant Rd. This brings to an end a historic boundary in Bayview Ave which is now submerged in Don Valley West. The change shifts the residents of a large part of Davisville Village from the former St. Paul’s to the  expanded Don Valley West. It leaves residents between Mt. Pleasant and Bayview represented not by Carolyn Bennett but by John Carmichael. Let the games begin. All Ontario electoral maps