Residents of Moore Park, Bennington Heights and others who like to hike the Mud Creek trail are warned that the removal of dead and dying trees will begin as early as Wednesday, August 19, 2015. The work has been delayed by construction but is necessary because of damage done by the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The work will take place along the trail in the Mud Creek section of the Lower Don River from Moore Avenue south to the Don Valley Brickworks. There are approximately 150 trees of varying sizes to be removed. In addition to the EAB removals, a small number of other dead and potentially hazardous trees will also be removed at this time. Large signs informing the people of the removals have been erected at three main access points to the trail. Information on why the work is being done, the expected start and completion dates and my contact information is included on the signage.