University women meet montly at Northlea United

The 2015 season of meetings of the Canadian Federation of University Women of Leaside-East York will begin Thursday September 17, 2015 at Northlea United Church at 125 Brentcliffe Rd. Everyone is invited. Topics slated for upcoming months are:Thursday, Sept. 17: Dr. Dennis Pilon, author of Wrestling with Democracy will be a guest speaker on the issue of proportional representation

Thursday, Oct. 15: Deborah Cowley, author of The Library Tree will be a guest speaker.

Thursday, Nov. 19: Architecture critic, Christopher Hume will speak on Toronto’s architecture.

Thursday, Jan. 21: Archaeologist, Meg Morden will discuss excavations at Tel Kedesh, Israel.

Thursday, Feb. 18: Heather Darling Pigat of the University of Toronto Art Centre will discuss art at the university.

Thursday, March 17: Author Marilyn Churley will talk about her book, Shameless.

Thursday, April 21: Artistic director, Vrenia Ivonoffski will discuss theatre for all.