There is much excited scribbling Thursday morning that Nigel Wright, former chief of staff to the prime minister, will face “intense” and “tough” cross-examination from Mike Duffy’s lawyer Donald Bayne when court resumes. Possibly, but Mike Duffy must decide with Mr. Bayne’s help just what his purpose might be in anything other than a clean escape from the criminal charges. Trying to extract revenge on the Conservative Party doesn’t seem to make much sense. So while Mr. Bayne’s cross-examination may be penetrating and extensive, there is logically only so much he might wish to accomplish. The Conservative Party and Mr. Wright did not charge the senator with bribery and fraud. Mr. Wright did not create nor can he change the expense accounts now in the hands of the Crown. He and Mr. Harper may have thought Duffy should have paid certain expenses but they never accused him of fraud. Bribery? “Nonsense” they might say.