3-hour Leaside, Davisville blackout a “feeder” line failure

A three-hour blackout in Leaside as far east at Laird Drive and across large parts of Davisville Village put a damper on Sunday night activity beginning shortly after 6 p.m.  South Bayview business was in darkness. McSorley’s Wonderful Saloon closed early. But by 9 p.m  hydro crews had restored power after performing a series of checks and re-checks to find alternate routing. It was a process of elimination according to the hydro men at the corner of Manor Rd. and Bayview. They say they still don’t know exactly where the problem lay. The fix was not without problems. There was a repeat 15-minute blackout along Bayview at 10.20 p.m. The blackout hit sometime after 6 p.m. and caused stomach-churning traffic conditions at corners like Bayview and Manor Road “Drivers (expletive deleted) just blundered through intersections.” said a woman trying to get down to Bayview and Millwood Rd.


When power did resume it caused a resurgence of activity along the street with Hollywood Gelato filled in moments. The feeder failure is only part of how the outage spread and was then fixed. In Moore Park, there were tell-tale mini blackouts during the hour before the outage. This indicated the feeder (or wires) were under pressure of breaking from something, perhaps a tree branch. When power finally did fail in the south end, the Hydro switching office was able to route power to some areas sooner than others merely because of their location.  Video: The South Bayview Bulldog at Manor Rd. and Bayview Ave. about 9.15 p.m.