Jason Ramsay-Brown to speak at Leaside Library Sept. 9


The eminent naturalist Jason Ramsay-Brown will speak at Leaside Library, 165 McRae Drive on Wednesday, Sept.9, 2015. His topic will be Toronto’s Ravines and Urban Forests, Their Natural Heritage and Local History.  The talk is scheduled from 7 to 8 p.m.. It is part of  a Toronto Library tour, taking the author to Riverdale Library, 370 Broadview Ave. on September 23, Gerard/Ashdale Library, 1432 Gerard St. E., Sept 8,  Jones Library, 118 Jones Ave., on Sept 30 and Beaches Library, 2161 Queen St. E. on Oct. 27.  Mr. Ramsay-Brown will also guide a walk through Moore Park to the Evergreen Brick Works with Toronto Field Naturalists on Sept 27.  He is the author of Toronto’s Ravines and  Urban Forests.