City staff has recommended that no change be made to the present union collection (CUPE 144) of garbage east of Yonge Street. John Tory made a firm promise during the election campaign that he would extend privatization across the full city. The saving west of Yonge Street, where collection is done by a private contractor, is said to be $11 million annually. Speaking to Steven LeDrew on CP24 Jaye Robinson, chair of the public works committee, said she questions the numbers produced by waste management staff in the report, which was released late Tuesday morning. The Toronto Sun story linked is detailed but does not offer compelling information from staff as to why a similar saving would be not be a net advantage to the city. The report says things like: “A blend of in-house and private sector provision also manages operational and financial risk and provides flexibility for the curbside waste collection system to adapt to changes.” It seems vague. The report goes to Robinson’s committee. Toronto Sun