Tattooed killer removes tracking ankle bracelet and flees


Kevin Ronald Brooks

A nasty character with a tattooed tear drop coming out of his right is on the loose somewhere in Canada after figuring out how to remove a court ordered tracking anklet. Kevin Ronald Brooks, 28, was released from prison in June, after serving every day of a seven-year manslaughter sentence behind bars. Because authorities consider Brooks a high risk to re-offend, they issued a public warning about his release and obtained a court order requiring him to wear an electronic ankle bracelet and submit to daily curfew checks. He was serving time for the manslaughter death in April 2007 of Kevin Palmer in Saint John, N.B. The two men were sitting in a car in a city park when Brooks shot Palmer, 29, with a sawed-off shotgun he said he carried for protection due to a drug debt he owed. Brooks is white, 28 and has an elaborate tattoo on his neck. He has criminal convictions in a variety of places and could be anywhere.