A number of people are saying that Old City Hall must not become a shopping mall. This matter arises because the City has hired a real estate firm to dream up some uses for the 1899 structure when the Ontario courts finally move to a new building. That will apparently be no sooner than 2020, maybe later. People commenting in blogTO are saying that a museum and nothing but a museum must occupy this old seat of government. Maybe. The biggest problem with Old City Hall is not that it might become a shopping mall. Old City Hall is lucky to see people inside it for any reason. It is an important place but deeply dark and difficult. These days, entry by the front door would not occur unless a contempt citation for non-appearance were waiting in the courtroom. Anyway, The South Bayview Bulldog would love to see the old hall a happy centre of public activity. In due course Council might wish to consider some commercial use of the building by a public-spirited company that has the means to make it more accessible. Historical or museum attractions could co-habit with commercial activity. There are worse things than stores.