A B.C. man is asking a simple question. Why on earth do we bother ourselves with changing the clock twice a year? There may be reasons but they don’t seem quite as compelling as the old reasons. It is said daylight saving time was implemented during the time of the 12-hour work day. DST gave men more time with their families during daylight hours in the summer. We get that. But now there is a lot of leisure time. There are no industrial or agricultural needs to meet. The critic is Bob Dieno and he finds the whole thing a nuisance. He started an online petition which has been signed by 13,000 people in just a couple of days. Dieno, a Kamloops businessman and former president of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, is not a kook. He says stick with DST. “Nowadays, there is no need for the clock change. I would much rather have light in the evening when I come home from work, rather than when I get up and go to work,” he said. “There are safety facts to show why changing the time is bad for our bodies, for elderly people, for people who work. There is a cost to changing time and it is not just an hour.” Dieno said statistics show the likelihood of a serious workplace accident within the first week of the time change increases by 10 per cent. The odds of an accident in the home jumps by 30 per cent over the same week and the risk of a car accident increases by 10 per cent in the first 48 hours after the change.