CGS kids give lift to booster seat event at Sunnybrook


Six children from Leaside’s Children’s Garden School (CGS) helped out at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre last week at the 10th Anniversary of booster seat legislation in Canada. The CGS students were invited to the media event at McLaughlin Lecture Hall to help demonstrate the correct use of a booster seat. They were weighed and then strapped into a booster seat correctly. Following the demonstration, the crowd watched a police simulation of what happens when you are wearing your set belt in an accident and what happens when you aren’t. The difference was beyond sobering. There are still many people not using booster seats at all or installing or using them correctly, however. Click here to refresh your memory on booster seat guidelines from Transport Canada.


There was also discussion about the deadly effects of distracted driving at the event.

Distracted Drivers  ~ 3 X more likely to crash.

Distracted Drivers who reach for an object  ~ 9 X more likely to crash.

Drivers who text ~ 23 X more likely to crash.

There are several Apps out there that can help manage the temptation to text and drive? Please take a few minutes now to choose the one that is right for you. CGS children were invited to the event Joanne Banfield, Manager Sunnybrook RBC Office for Injury Prevention. Judging by the pictures, the children were excellent CGS Ambassadors.
