Petra Grantham is in the forefront of Leaside Matters, a newly-established community group. It’s goal as Petra says is to promote Leaside’s rich history and unique character, as well as to foster local pride. The group’s first initiative is a identity-raising issue of shopping bags and kids t-shirts to create awareness of the group and to raise funds to launch “Lea Talks” — a program for speakers to discuss topics related to architecture, landscape and history. These items were Introduced at the corn roast in September and sold briskly for $15 each. For more information about the group, please visit
Leaside Matters is also sponsoring a Leaside Streetscape photo contest. A streetscape is a collective appearance of all buildings, sidewalks, gardens and landscaping along a street. The streetscape is the visual identity of a neighborhood and plays an important role in facilitating interaction between. Go to the website to learn more.