Donna Quan has resigned as Director of Education at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). She will take an appointment to lead a joint Ontario Government and York University research project aimed at addressing the needs of students in Ontario. Her duties begin on this project as early as December 14, 2015, Ms Quan announced today. (Monday, November 16, 2015). Quan, 57, is known as a hard-working expert in her field and a stickler for detail as well as board protocol. She appeared to come to the position somewhat reluctantly in the wake of her predecessor’s sudden resignation. She has presided at the TDSB during a period of turbulence in which the board itself — and trustees — has come under question for meddling in the affairs of individual schools. The research project which will now occupy Quan will collect province-wide data and address the principles outlined in the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Achieving excellence: A renewed vision for Education in Ontario. “My time at the TDSB has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. Ontario is recognized as one of the best education systems in the world and our Toronto students are achieving and are among the strongest,” Quan said in a press release. Quan’s new position is adjunct professor in the Faculty of Education at the university, reporting directly to the Deputy Minister of Education. The university says it is thrilled to welcome Quan, noting that she brings more than 30 years of experience in education. “We are thrilled to collaborate with the Ministry in gaining valuable insight into aspects of education that are very consistent with our commitment to equity and social justice,” says Ron Owston, Dean of Education, York University.Quan’s tenure has been controversial after she took a pay hike and refused to make her contract public when the Education Minister ordered all school boards to freeze wages. TDSB said that Quan will remain in her role until a new interim director has been appointed.