Geoff Kettel has sent mail to his many contacts reminding them that nominations for the Agnes Macphail Award are open for 2016. Agnes Macphail was Canada’s first woman Member of Parliament (elected in 1921) and later served in the Ontario Legislature for the riding of York East, which included Leaside. For a number years, Ms. Macphail lived at the corner of Millwood Road and Donegall Drive. The award in her name is given annually to a resident of the former Borough of East York who best embodies similar volunteer spirit in the field of social justice. The former Borough of East York includes East York, Leaside, Thorncliffe Park, Governor’s Bridge, and Bennington Heights. The deadline for nominations is midnight on Thursday January 28, 2016. The award will be presented on Agnes Macphail’s birthday, Thursday March 24, 2016. The Awards Ceremony and celebration will be held at the East York Civic Centre starting at 7 p.m.