The City of Toronto is reminding residents to keep a safe distance from raccoons after the discovery of ten cases of rabies in raccoons in Hamilton. These are the first cases of raccoon rabies since 2005 and they may signal a broader infection across the province. So far, Toronto has been free of reported cases but the raccoon population is very large and there could well be rabid raccoons as yet unknown. Residents are asked to avoid feeding or touching raccoons, ensure that pets have up-to-date vaccinations and keep pets on a leash. The City is also asking owners to make sure pets are attended when outside. This will seem like a difficult challenge for cat and dog owners. It also notes that the raccoon population in Ontario is experiencing elevated incidents of Distemper, a virus that can symptomatically mimic rabies. Distemper is not transmissible to humans. Toronto Animal Services will pick up sick or injured wildlife. If residents see animals that are in distress, they should contact 311.