City re-names Leaside’s Markham Ave to Stickney Avenue

stickney ave lower

A fitting tribute and lasting memory to the late Dave Stickney has been established by the re-naming of Markham Avenue to Stickney Avenue. The public campaign to change the name asked by petition that the street be called Stickney Way. It became clear as Toronto staff reviewed the proposal that Markham Avenue didn’t qualify for the designation Way. A street called a Way is so designated because it is a windy road, reminiscent perhaps of a pathway. As every Leasider knows, Markham Ave runs straight as an arrow from Airdrie Rd. to Laird Drive. As such it is well-defined as an Avenue. So it is official. There are many interested and happy comments Tuesday on Leaside Chit Chat and other sites. Just incidentally, the change of name does a favour for the City and perhaps countless non-Leaside residents trying to find their way. We’re guessing that more than one person arrived at Markham Street in the west central downtown when he wanted to go to Markham Ave.