STOP: No one in Canada hears about going to jail by phone

This CBC report tells of a variation on the Canada Revenue phonies who say they are coming to put you in jail unless you give them money. This time the scam was an alleged problem at Citizenship and Immigration to a woman who is a foreign national living here.


Look, there are many lies which you may not be able to dispute on the spot but threats that you are going to jail is an easy one. No one goes to jail in Canada on the basis of a phone call. No one. We won’t bore with the details of the Constitution and 1,000 years of British law, but such things are not allowed.


It would seem useful for law enforcement to try to address the widespread use of important business names like Bell Canada and Canada Revenue Agency by criminals. The appearance of such names in phone and Internet scams is increasingly common. One fraud tries to create a sense of importance by telling the citizen that he or she is being called by a Bell Canada operator with an important call. The potential victim is told to wait on the line until the fraudster takes over. Such names as Microsoft. RCMP and many other official bodies are used in Internet deceptions