It may be hard to imagine that there is anything to be said about road safety that hasn’t already been repeated a million times. But there is no more important matter than keeping people alive so Ward 25 Councillor Jaye Robinson will be holding a round table at City Hall next Monday (January 25, 2016) to seek a Road Safety Strategic Plan. It will be held from 10.30 to 12.30 noon in the Council Chamber at City Hall. It is a short period of time to address this issue but perhaps the speakers will be professional people who can speak briefly to the point. The news release telling of this meeting says: “The Road Safety Strategic Plan is looking to identify the contributing factors related to road safety in our community and identify potential safety initiatives that can be implemented to help reduce transportation-related deaths and serious injuries on Toronto’s roads.” Councillor Robinson says there is room for improvement. The conversation will focus on areas such as:
• pedestrian and cyclist safety
• aggressive driving
• distracted driving
• safety in school zones
• safety for seniors