Saturday’s power outage perimeters a total guessing game

The by-guess-and-by-God nature of power outage perimeters is seen again as reports dribble in about Saturday’s blackout. It was a trying time that lasted between one and two hours for those effected. But the guessing about just where lights went out was well off the mark. Twitter reports repeated some media as saying all of Leaside as far as Laird Drive was out. Nothing like this was true. And even Toronto Hydro must have had its fingers crossed when it said the blackout went as far east as Bayview. In fact, the power failure seems to have come no further east than Mt. Pleasant. Reader Angela Rickett reports her home on Redpath Ave. was without electricity for a good two hours. Helen Godfrey told us yesterday that the lights were out only on the west side of Mt. Pleasant, as far as she could see. And here’s a surprise, the northern boundary of the outage was given by Hydro as Eglinton. But shops like Degrees Kitchen along Yonge as far north as Albertus were closing because of the blackout.