The widely anticipated lifting of the 140 character limit on tweets appears to be imminent. Twitter president Jack Dorsey says the company will not be shy (odd word to use) about giving its users more power. The current restriction was introduced in Twitter’s early days, in a similar way to short text messages, and while Mr Dorsey praised it as a “beautiful constraint” he noted that users already find ways to cram more into a tweet by posting images with more words. Dorsey sent a tweet after a report on technology website Re/Code suggested Twitter is currently considering upping the limit to 10,000, although he did not refer directly to the report in his message.
Longer messages might make Twitter generally more coherent but it seems likely to generate tweets that are longer versions of sarcastic and self-involved hecklers. One might think that advertising would weigh on Dorsey’s mind. Twitter needs to make money. There is no hint that he will. do anything to let users make money.