“Bullwheel” cable car proposed for Don Valley crossing

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A company called Bullwheel International Cable Car Corp.is proposing to build a cable car system across the Don Valley from the Evergreen Brick Works to a newly-built platform on the edge of Playter Gardens Park, which overlooks the valley. It is seen as an all-season service which might carry as many as 1,500 passengers on a summer weekend. After lift-off from the Brick Works, the routing appears to take the line over the unpopulated Don River shores to the “Danforth Station” platform at the park. Playter Gardens is on Cambridge Ave.


From there it would be a short walk to the Danforth and the Broadview subway station. Happily, the line doesn’t propose to run under the Bloor Viaduct. This is a Toronto Star special which has been in the works for a number of days it seems with prepared responses from the Mayor, Councillor Fragedakis and others. They see it as a nice addition to the city’s “transit”. It is suggested the cable car could be running in as little as four years and that the cost would be $25 million. It is not exactly stated but the reasonable assumption will be that this is Bullwheel’s tab and not the city’s. although as in all such appealing ideas it is good to be on guard. Some will note that the service would run across busy roads — the DVP for one  — and the meaning of that to safe driving might be discussed.  Some artwork