Long-time barber Leonardo Morra has died at the age of 79. Mr. Morra is well-remembered from his years running LeMan’s Barber Shop in the Sunnybrook Plaza. His death occurred Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at the age of 79. Mr. Morra’s obituary recalls that he is survived by his wife Guerina Morra and his only daughter Antonella Morra. He was grandfather of Aria Mozzone and A.J. Morra. He lost his 15-year battle with cancer and died peacefully at Village of Humber Heights. There will be two viewings at DeMarco Funeral Home at 3725 Keele St. on Friday, February 26, 2–4 p.m. and 7–9 p.m. The funeral will take place on Saturday, February. 27 at St. Charles Catholic Church at 811 Lawrence Ave. West (at Dufferin Road) at 10 a.m. with burial following at Highland Cemetery, 33 Memory Garden Lane, in Willowdale. For further information, email toni_to_tiger@hotmail.com.