Meeting hears of a Midtown Hub at Davisville School

A meeting was held at Greenwood College School at Davisville and Mt. Pleasant Tuesday night to discuss possible concepts and challenges related to a proposed construction of a Midtown Hub on the property of Davisville Public School. The meeting was organized by Josh Matlow (Ward 22) and members of the Midtown Hub Advocacy  Group. There were about 50 members of the public present including South Eglinton Ratepayers and Residents Association (SERRA).


The meeting heard that negotiations for the purchase of about three-quarters of a hectare (or nearly two acres) of the present school site are ongoing. Although snug, it a valuable piece of Midtown property which might fetch $7 to 8 million. It is  money that must be found through the auspices of City Hall and public subscription. The land is now occupied by the sprawling footprint of the old Davisville School. The meeting heard that the Toronto and District School Board might break ground for the school in 2020. The intent of the City’s Forestry, Parks and Recreation Department is a Midtown Hub which complements the school and is used by students, but also provides recreational facilities for the public, both youthful and senior.


One component deeply wished for is a swimming pool. The meeting heard that the greater Yonge and Eglinton area is a burgeoning series of neighbourhoods stretching down to Mt..Pleasant Cememtery. The pool and other facilities at North Toronto Community Centre operate at full capacity. Councillor Matlow is confident the money for both the purchase of the land and the construction of the building is achievable. He had this to say.

Stephanie Rickard Chadda, whose focus is community advocacy and fundraising
Lisa Kelleher, whois primarily working on community programs and services alignment
John Hiddema, working on strategy and partnership development, as well as communications
Chris Trussell, called the “community animator” and who is our local food procurement advisor
Laura Greer, whose focus is communications and government relations
Nicholas Lagopoulos, Capital investment, development, and Public & Private Partnerships advisor
Tanya Murdoch, Who was on the video camera and is videographer and school council liaison
Anita Huang Teshima, who works on digital strategy
Vera Kan, who helps with data analytics and business case development
Dorlene Lin, who is a content producer
Kavita Khandelwal-Young, who is the accountant and active in other group work as well  Who will give Davisville Village a Hub — and a heart?