Paint Dalton expensive as he unveils official portrait

dalton painting

Former Premier stands with his likeness. City News via Twitter 

Dalton McGuinty was back outside the office he left in scandal tonight more than three years ago. Near the door to what is now the office of Kathleen Wynne. Mr. McGuinty unveiled an official portrait of himself. Every premier has one, and  the former premier’s  has been rendered by a well-known painter of Ontario prime ministers, Istvan Nyikos of Collingwood. Nyikos has done the portraits  of  former premiers Bill Davis and Mike Harris, among others.  McGuinty conceived and/or approved the disastrously costly election-eve cancellation of two gas plants in 2011. His subsequent biography blamed others for the decision and said the plants were always located in the wrong place. But it was the naked political expediency of the cancellations which, critics say, cost so much money. The figure has been set at $1.1 billion.