A new app called Parkarr is intended to match up people seeking a street parking space with those who are leaving. It will work if departing drivers take the trouble to alert the system that they are leaving. Parkarr was created by a New York woman, Robyn Gerber, who got the idea from her father. He puts a piece of paper on the dash showing a smiley face if he is leaving that day, a frown if he isn’t. Parkarr shows parking spaces within a 20-block radius with the forthcoming vacant space — as indicated by departing driver — in turquoise. No car information is exchanged until both drivers accept, and the app works on an honor system. As you pull into a spot, the person pulling in has to say if it was successful or not. So far, 1,000 people have signed up for the app in New york. But what if several drivers arrive looking for the same spot?