Premier says more gasoline taxes needed to save Earth

earth degrades

Premier Wynne has made it clear that motorists and homeowners will pay the price of Ontario government spending to be announced tomorrow.  Gasoline and natural gas will increase as a result of new taxes. Gasoline is set to jump 4.3 cents  a litre but that increase will require consumers to pay sales tax. Analysts suggest the increase will be more like five cents a litre out-of-pocket. Environment minister Glen Murray tried to blunt the news by saying the careful selection of your gas station can save you money. “In my constituency (Toronto Centre) the difference in gas prices between one station and another is greater than any change that’s going to occur as a result of cap-and-trade,” he said. The Premier said the budget will also see a new surcharge on natural gas.


The Government continues to make the environment and fear of global warming the justification and rationale of its policies. Ms. Wynne painted a grim picture of costs that would far outpace the present burden on taxpayers if we do not battle global warming as set out by Ontario government policy for energy. Speaking at Ryerson, Ms Wynne spoke with a passion about the certainty as she sees it of higher energy costs, high repair costs and higher insurance if we do not, in her words, address the degradation of the environment. Others are staggered by the growing provincial debt, now closing in on $300 billion dollars. It costs taxpayers more than  $10 billion in interest to carry the debt each year. Where your is going