PREMIER: Ontario to extend wine sales to grocery stores

Wine will be sold at 70 grocery locations in Ontario by the fall and as many as 300 such stores on a timeline as yet to be established. Premier Kathleen Wynne made the announcement at the Longo’s store which is housed in the historic steam engine repair building on Laird Drive. It is more of the equally historic gradualism in such matters which has seen every provincial government loathe to let the cash flow from alcoholic beverages slip from the LCBO.


Analysis may have shown that sales overall will increase by loosening  the control. That will increase revenue from the heavily-taxed product. “Imported and domestic wines will be sold at up to 150 grocery stores,” the province said in a statement. “As well, up to 150 existing winery retail stores that are currently just outside a grocery store checkout will be permitted to operate their store inside that grocery store, with a shared checkout, and broaden their assortment to sell the wines of any Ontario producer.”  There’s an okay analysis here from the CBC.